Having the debate of whether or not to get a family pet. Not any pet but a dog.
For the past few years we agreed that a dog was not for us; didn't feel like training a puppy, pee in the house, lots of poop in the yard, they are an expense of food, they shed hair and on the occasion that we want to go out of town we have to arrange for the dog to stay somewhere blah blah blah....
I imagine this is the age old debate most people have while deciding if they will get or want a dog.
The problem is that Mama, me, has changed her ever loving mind!!! what??? I was always the clear headed one on this issue and the answer was just, "NO." Well, this weekend we took the kids to the pet store and it was dog adoption day. Callie wanted every dog of course, Henry is nervous around certain dogs and loves others. We spent an hour there AT LEAST!!
Today I took the kids to the shelter and Damnit, I fell in love, with a dog that isn't even usually my type of dog in ANY WAY WHATSOEVER. We are looking around and they are barking their heads off some at us, some for our attention and Henry is cowering cause they are loud and Callie is trying to get into everyone's cage and Henry says he wants to get one of them out to play. Here is what I observed:
A puppy is NOT for us. We played with a sweet little guy named Hank, 4months old, and he was crazy jumping all over and using his puppy teeth to tattoo my arm in bloody scratches and the kids didn't really even get to pet him or anything cause he was all over the place. NO PUPPIES.
Any dog that was big and loud completely intimidated Henry to the point of cowering behind me. We only played with little dogs. And not just little dogs but FULLY GROWN little dogs. Then there was a 3yr old mini pinscher named Mahogany. She was shaking the entire time, she was scared of doors opening and she cowered from us. No way am I taking home a doggie that has obvious ISSUES. So she was cute but out. I was beginning to think Jon was right, "We have enough going on right now and a dog is not for us at the moment."
Then Poppy looks up at us. She is a full grown Rat Terrier (short hair). She looks like a sausage with a too tiny head. Henry asked if we could visit with that dog. I was about over it but I said "last one" and we took her for a visit and God love her and everything about her!!! I freaking fell in love with this dog!! I don't even like tiny little dogs and here she is sweet and calm. 1.5yrs old. Already house trained and spayed. She was sweet, never jumped up and loved the kids. Friendly but chill. She debunked my reasons for not getting a dog cause...
She isn't a puppy and is already house trained.
She wasn't bonkers and hyper and she loved the children
She has hair but not too much cause she is soooo small
Which means her poop is small-so kinda not that big a deal to me at least
And she would be easy to take around with us so the leaving town thing also not really an issue
Oh and she is on a diet cause her owner over fed her so her food expense is 1 cup a day (not bad)
I also know her history which is more than you normally get with a shelter doggie.
So of course now Jon thinks I am crazy as all get go! "Where did my wife go?" and honestly I feel like a kid trying to talk him into it "I'll clean up the poop and take care of her, I PROMISE" Geez, this dog has got me all cloudy inside and I don't know why. I think all dogs are cute, I love them but always keep my head straight about their needs and the work they take but this dog just seemed like she would be the perfect addition to our family. Like she would blend right in and I have never felt that way about a dog before.
Crap! I guess I've got my work cut out for me trying to talk my husband into this dog in the next few days before someone else grabs her or god forbid the other thing that happens at the shelter. I can't believe this happened to me. This dog has made me mush. I am screwed!
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