I was realizing today, as I threw out the crusts from the toast I made the kids for breakfast, that I feed birds. I always make sure to break up the bread and feed the birds in the front or the back yard whenever I have some that is leftover or that I need to get rid of...fast forward to the zoo.
It may be hard to follow my train of thought here but bear with me when I tell you that every time we are at the zoo and the kids want to check out the bird house I always reply the same way, "uh that's a Daddy thing and I am not going in there." I can't tell you how many times I have been dive bombed by some dumb bird! It also smells like total CRAP in there AND it is humid as hell. Why does anyone want to go in there?
I HATE birds! Seriously, I hate birds. There isn't too much I find interesting about them, they aren't cute really, they poop all over everything including PEOPLE!
My friend K80 was laying out on the beach with me and a sea gull pooped on her stomach! So she gets up to run down into the water while all of us are laughing our butts off and while she is walking back up to the sand, another one poops on her shoulder!!! RUDE!
Anyway, I digress, I don't like how birds start chirping at like 3am when I am trying to sleep! They are so freaking loud and ANNOYING! I can't believe that people actually want to own these things as pets! DISGUSTING!
That all being said, I feed them at my home. What? We have a pair of Mourning Doves that have been with us for 5 years now and I love dearly. We have a Cardinal couple that laid eggs in their nest built in our front landscaping this year. We have Robins who built a nest between our home and our neighbors and we watched their babies hopping all over the place. I explained to my children how we want the birds to know that they are safe here so we must stay away from the nest full of eggs and soon to be babies and we must feed them to make sure they are getting enough food.
I HATE BIRDS! What in the???
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