Thursday, July 11, 2013

Kids and Pools

I tried to think of a clever name for this post, but then I realized that this title says it all.

Kids and pools.  This summer has been pretty amazing for us as far as the pool goes because it is the year that Henry took off his arm floaties, put on the mask and jumped into the water and took off!  He is diving for sinking toys, jumping off the side of the pool, doing flips and flops and holding his breath and trying new things in the pool every single day.
This is also the summer that Callie watched her brother and threw out all of her fears and worked hard to learn how to swim as well!  She jumps off the side of the pool and swims to me, she tries to dive down and get the dive sticks and she is working hard every day to get better and better and become a stronger swimmer.

This is so great and for ONCE since I have had children, the pool is FUN!  There were years when I couldn't do a trip to the pool alone because they both needed me so much.  There were times when I would have to stay out of the sun with the newborn who couldn't wear sunscreen just yet, while someone else got to play with the other child.  I haven't had a tan in 7 years!!

So now that I can relax (just a tad) going to the pool is so much fun for all of us.  I am so proud of how far they have come and how hard they are working, and we still have several weeks left!

Yesterday at the pool we were lucky that there weren't a bunch of people there so Henry could swim around while my Mom kept an eye on him, and Callie and I could camp out on the steps practicing swimming back and forth.  It was supposed to rain later in the afternoon so we decided after an hour or so that we would take our last jumps and swims and head home.  Lots of folks were doing the same thing cause the clouds were moving in so as I am standing close to the steps and sending the kids over to Grammy to get dried off, I was watching them walk away when another Mother hollers, "Grab him!!  Grab him!!" to her son.  I turned to see where she was pointing and saw a bobbing red headed little guy right behind me.  I had to jump at him to get there quickly and I scooped him up.  I wiped the water out of his eyes and said, "Are you ok baby?" and he nodded yes and I think both of us were in complete shock.  I handed him up to Mommy and said, "Here's Mommy." and she clung to her little guy.  My heart was racing and I was near tears.  We packed up and I walked over to Mom so I could check on the little man, who was munching fruit snacks with a smile on his face.  We chatted for a minute and I told her one of my mantra's, "We Mommies have to stick together."
I cried the whole walk to the car.  Couldn't shake it for the rest of the day.

Today we headed back to the pool, finally no rain in the forecast!  We spent two amazing hours there and had so much fun.  Daddy even surprised us with lunch and spent his lunch hour watching the kids swim, for the first time :)  It was so cool.  I gave the kiddos the 10 minute warning, that we were headed out shortly, and they were getting in their last jumps and what nots, when one of the little girls from the other day walked up to the edge of the pool.  I was standing by the railing at the steps and I recognized her and her family when they walked in.  On the previous day, my Mom had commented to her mother how beautiful her curls were, so we both recognized her right away.  This time it wasn't just she her 2 siblings and Mom but Dad was along and another friend with children too.  Turns out they were there to celebrate one of her brother's birthdays with a pool party.  Mom was getting things unpacked and set up, Dad was sun blocking the older two who both could swim well and the youngest peanut was standing by the pool, gripping the railing, looking like she was headed into the pool. I said to her, "Do you swim without floaties?" Of course she is under 2 so she doesn't really say anything, but she is smiling at me.  I ask one of her siblings, "Can she swim without floaties?" and he answers "yes!"  As I said, I remember her from the other day and I am pretty sure she does NOT swim just yet.  So I let her hold the rail and take the steps and as soon as she steps off the last step and goes under, I scoop her up and she clings to me for dear life, and I to her.  I held her for a moment and walked her out of the pool, where she ran to Mom and asked for floaties.  Mom was in shock that she was soaked from head to toe and looked around to try to figure it out and of course, I walked up to her to introduce myself and talk to her.  Callie says, "Mom, it's like you always say, you Mommies have to stick together."

I am often, "in the right place at the right time" and I am ALWAYS looking out for what is going on around me especially when children are involved.  When I spoke to my Dad about this, his reaction was, "what the hell were these parents doing while their kids were drowning in the pool?"  I realize that I could have thought this same way, what irresponsible parents, this would never happen to ME, what were they doing?  BUT I didn't. Not even for a second.  I argued with my Dad that these things happen so fast.  In both cases the wee ones were following their older siblings lead.  One big bro was washing he and the little one off at the shower, while Mom packed up their gear, from the CLOSEST chairs to the shower and he decided to jump back in even though she told him it was time to go...and little brother was right behind him.
In the second case, the big siblings, who could swim reliably, took off to the pool with little sis in tow.  Mom thought Dad was watching, Dad thought Mom was watching, there were more than enough adults to the pool she went.

I am so happy that God put me in the right place at the right time.  Both of these babies were in his arms just as much as they were in mine in the pool.  I am proud that my own daughter knows that "we mommies need to stick together."  I am also humbled that these moments happen to GREAT parents, responsible parents and loving parents.  This could happen to any one of us and it is not a result of negligence in any way.

I would like to enjoy the rest of the summer without crying at the pool every stinking day!  If God puts me in the right place at the right time again and again I will thank Him. I just hope if the situation is reversed that He will put someone in the right place, at the right time for my own babies.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I feed birds...and other woodland creatures

I was realizing today, as I threw out the crusts from the toast I made the kids for breakfast, that I feed birds.  I always make sure to break up the bread and feed the birds in the front or the back yard whenever I have some that is leftover or that I need to get rid forward to the zoo.

It may be hard to follow my train of thought here but bear with me when I tell you that every time we are at the zoo and the kids want to check out the bird house I always reply the same way, "uh that's a Daddy thing and I am not going in there."  I can't tell you how many times I have been dive bombed by some dumb bird!    It also smells like total CRAP in there AND it is humid as hell.  Why does anyone want to go in there?

I HATE birds!  Seriously, I hate birds.  There isn't too much I find interesting about them, they aren't cute really, they poop all over everything including PEOPLE!

My friend K80 was laying out on the beach with me and a sea gull pooped on her stomach!  So she gets up to run down into the water while all of us are laughing our butts off and while she is walking back up to the sand, another one poops on her shoulder!!!  RUDE!

Anyway, I digress, I don't like how birds start chirping at like 3am when I am trying to sleep!  They are so freaking loud and ANNOYING!  I can't believe that people actually want to own these things as pets! DISGUSTING!

That all being said, I feed them at my home.  What?  We have a pair of Mourning Doves that have been with us for 5 years now and I love dearly.  We have a Cardinal couple that laid eggs in their nest built in our front landscaping this year.  We have Robins who built a nest between our home and our neighbors and we watched their babies hopping all over the place.  I explained to my children how we want the birds to know that they are safe here so we must stay away from the nest full of eggs and soon to be babies and we must feed them to make sure they are getting enough food.

I HATE BIRDS!  What in the???